Mina Papatheodorou-Valyraki

The paintings of Mina Papatheodorou-Valyraki, often of monumental size, are directed towards an intense and emotive interpretation of large-scale mechanical objects. The pictures are set down on the canvas spontaneously, and forms interlock in a dynamic composition with vibrant colors. According to Dr. Iliopoulou-Rogan, Mina Papatheodorou-Valyraki “paints in precisely the same manner that she breathes, feels and moves, in a constant creative tension, without ever repeating herself or resorting to facile solutions that aim only to impress her viewers. What is more important is that her work never lacks quality or integrity of execution. The artist’s vivid style is justified on every square millimeter of her paintings and in them nothing is fragmented or remains aloof from the rhythm and pulse of the entirety.”